admissibility in evidence

英 [ədˌmɪsəˈbɪlɪti ɪn ˈevɪdəns] 美 [ədˌmɪsəˈbɪləti ɪn ˈevɪdəns]

网络  作为证据可被接受; 接受作证据



  1. An Analysis on the Admissibility Rules in Electronic Evidence
  2. The theory and rules of admissibility and the case law of expert evidence in the US indicate the trend of development of expert evidence system in the common law system.
  3. The rule for the evidence admissibility in criminal litigation is an important evidence rule in the Anglo-American legal system.
  4. By introducing the conception of admissibility, the admissibility of evidence is no more only a theoretical conception, but also an procedural problem in judicial practice which can be stipulated by rules of evidence.
  5. Secondly, in terms of the characteristics and the admissibility of electronic evidence, the high degree of probability standard used in determining the probative force of electronic evidence has been elaborated.
  6. Relevance is the premise of evidence admissibility in evidence rules of Anglo-American law system. There are a lot of admissibility rules designed around relevance of evidence.
  7. The admissibility and affirmation of the evidence is a key ring in the chain of evidence system. Choosing which evidences can be used in building the evidence system, which cannot, are of much significance to ensure the quality of handling cases.
  8. While the admissibility is appreciated as admissible qualification for evidence to be advanced in litigation, the inadmissible evidence should be excluded in the early stage of proceedings as soon as possible.
  9. When excising judicial discretion relating to admissibility of covert evidence, judges take into consideration three factors involving relevance, reliability and legality. These factors play guiding role in acts of obtaining evidence in covert investigation.